
Books, DVD's, Audio Book, eBooks and more!

Over 150,000 items are available, including books, audio books, large type books, DVDs, and CDs. Also available are more than 52,000 downloadable eBooks audio books. Through LINKcat over 800,000 additional titles are available. Additionally, We have many databases available for our card holders.

Laptops & Tablets

Chromebooks can be checked out for two weeks from the Check Out Desk at the Stevens Point and Plover branches.

Magazines & Newspapers

Magazines covering many areas of interest are available at all locations. Several state and national newspapers are available at the Stevens Point Branch.

Audiovisual Equipment

Projectors for film, computer and documents are available at the Stevens Point Branch. The Plover and Rosholt Branches also house a multi-media projector.

Internet Access

Public Internet workstations, Wi-Fi access, and printing are available at all locations.

Technology Help

The library offers one-on-one technology assistance to its patrons on a variety of topics. We do strongly suggest calling to set up a day and time to assure our ability to help.

Homebound Service

The library will send materials to those unable to use the library. For more information call 715-346-1298.

Photocopy, Faxing & Scanning

Black and White photocopying is available at all locations and a color copier is available at the Stevens Point Branch. 

Color printers are available at all branches. Faxing services are available at the Rosholt and Almond Branches.

Several document and microfilm scanners are available at the Stevens Point Branch.

Meeting Rooms

Meeting rooms are available at the Stevens Point, Plover, and Rosholt Branches. At the Stevens Point Branch meeting rooms can be reserved online.

To reserve a Plover Branch meeting room, call the Plover Branch, 715-341-4007.

To reserve a Rosholt Branch meeting room, call the Rosholt Branch, 715-677-4512.

Interlibrary Loan Service

Materials not owned locally may be borrowed from other libraries. Use the online request form or call 715-346-1548.

Reference Service

Reference service is available at the Main Library, by calling 715-346-1548 or email.

Online Reference and Research

Magazine & newspaper articles, literary criticism, business information, car repair information and language learning are available online with your Portage County Public Library card number.

Outreach Collections

Library collections located at senior citizen centers and housing units throughout the county are maintained by Outreach Services. Youth library collections (PCPL Pop-Ups) located at the Health and Human Services Building and laundry mats throughout the county are also maintained by Outreach Services. Special materials for teachers, home-schooling parents, and daycare providers are available in the Youth Services Department at the Stevens Point Branch.

Business Materials

The Main Library in downtown Stevens Point has useful sources of business information, including Barron’s, Value Line, and AtoZ databases.

Jobs and Careers

Resources for job seekers including computers, pamphlets, books and technology assistance.

Genealogy / Local History

Genealogy and local history resources, including historic newspapers, yearbooks, and city directories are available at the Main Library. 

Book Discussions & Events

The Library offers book discussion groups on a regular basis.

Favorite Authors Club

Don't miss another new title from your favorite authors! Join our Favorite Authors Club, and we will reserve all their newest books for you!