You can find seed libraries at all PCPL Branches!
Seed Library Policies:
Taking Seeds
- You do not need a library card to take seeds.
- We ask that everyone taking seeds fill out the Seed Log so we can keep stats on the most popular seeds.
- Seeds are arranged by plant type (ex: tomatoes, flowers, herbs) and then alphabetically by common name. Older seeds are placed in front of newer seeds. When possible, please take older seeds first.
- We ask that you only take what you'll use so that we will have enough seeds for everyone.
Seed Donations
If you'd like to donate seeds to our library, please follow these guidelines:
- We only accept hybrid seeds if they come from a seed company in original packaging; hybrid seeds from your own plants may produce unpredictable offspring​.
- Native, Organic, and non-GMO seeds are preferred but all seeds are accepted.
- We only accept open-pollinated seeds if they come from plants that were only grown around the same variety or collected in a way as to avoid hybridization. For example, if you grew several kinds of squash near each other, the resulting seeds may produce hybrid plants. If you only grow one variety, such as crookneck yellow squash but no other kinds in the Cucurbit family, those seeds would likely not produce hybrids and would be accepted. Saved seeds older than 4 years of age will not be accepted.
- Fill out the seed donation form and include it with your seed donations - one form per type of seed. Please give your donation to a staff member for evaluation.
Thank you to Jung Garden Center in Stevens Point for their generous donation of seeds for the 2025 growing season!
We began offering seeds at the Almond and Rosholt libraries in spring of 2023 due to a generous donation from Seed Savers and the Herman's Garden Seed Donation Program!