PCPL-Stevens Point 1001 Main St. Pinery Room
The Central Wisconsin Book Festival welcomes Kim Suhr, Director of Red Oak Writing and author of Nothing to Lose (Cornerstone Press, 2018).
Drawing on the rich complexity of the American Midwest, Kim Suhr peoples her debut book of fiction with characters that we know, carved out of the Wisconsin landscape and caught between expectation and desire.
About the Author
Kim Suhr leads Roundtables, teaches craft & publishing workshops, and provides manuscript critiques/developmental edits and coaching for individual clients. Her work has appeared in many journals including at Midwest Review, the Stonecoast Review and Solstice Lit. In addition, her writing has earned awards from the Wisconsin Writers’ Association’s Jade Ring and Lindemann Humor Contests. You can listen to Kim read her work at WUWM 89.7 on the Lake Effect Program. She holds an MFA from the Solstice program at Pine Manor College where she was the Dennis Lehane Fellow in Fiction. To learn more about her writing, visit kimsuhr.com.
Kim Suhr leads Roundtables, teaches craft & publishing workshops, and provides manuscript critiques/developmental edits and coaching for individual clients. Her work has appeared in many journals including at Midwest Review, the Stonecoast Review and Solstice Lit. In addition, her writing has earned awards from the Wisconsin Writers’ Association’s Jade Ring and Lindemann Humor Contests. You can listen to Kim read her work at WUWM 89.7 on the Lake Effect Program. She holds an MFA from the Solstice program at Pine Manor College where she was the Dennis Lehane Fellow in Fiction. To learn more about her writing, visit kimsuhr.com.
This event is free and open to the public, so please be aware that some safety measures may be in place. We will update this and other promos closer to the event with any recommendations or requirements.